Thursday, February 20, 2014

This Week @ Twin Cities Church - A Bit About Our Staff

Hey Friends and Family of TCC,

Our staff just finished our monthly Brown Bag Lunch. This is a time for us to celebrate God’s movement and transforming power; to celebrate staff birthdays and employment anniversaries; to share key concerns; to build each other up; and, to pray for our church. I just wanted to take a moment and share a little about our staff.

Every person who works for TCC is called by God to serve here. We look to Jesus as our model and example in sacrificial service. Our goal is to serve like Jesus served. We attempt to do it all with the same attitude Jesus had when He gave up everything to respond to the Father’s plan to secure forgiveness and freedom for our world.

Every person who serves our church as an employee also has the responsibility to do his/her work as unto the Lord. Each has a passion for carrying out their responsibilities with excellence and timeliness. They have a deep concern to make sure every person who comes to our church, or gets served by our church, knows they are important to God and us.

Every person who serves and works for TCC has as their goal, to be like Jesus in all their actions and thoughts. We want to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control as our first response no matter the circumstance or situation.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this place is not Heaven on Earth. We’re all still human. We all still have bad days or make poor decisions or hurt others, or drop balls, BUT we’re committed to maintaining a vital connection with Jesus so that, more and more, we respond to life as He would.

We love serving and working to lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. This week we get to wrap up our RE:NEW series with a message called RE:IMAGINE. We’ll look at our values and how God has directed us to live them out.

Those who trust in the Lord will gain new strength,

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