Thursday, November 15, 2012

This Week @ Twin Cities Church - Share Your Story!

I’ve enjoyed the emails and notes you keep sending to let us know how 40 Days In The Word is impacting your life. One couple told me how this experience was bringing them closer together spiritually. A woman said, “This experience has given me a new passion for the Bible. Thank you for the opportunity.” A man wrote, “I’ve never really enjoyed reading the Bible and have actually been intimidated by it. This emphasis has given me new confidence.” Those are snippets of much longer stories of how life-change is occurring.

Will you take time to write your story? You can go online and write how 40 Days In The Word has impacted you or write a note on your Connection Card.

Sunday is Food Drive Sunday. One sign of spiritual maturity is when we develop the awareness and desire to do something for the less fortunate in our world. As we move toward winter and the holiday season, many people in our county are struggling with huge financial shortfalls. We get to help with that this weekend. Will you bring a grocery bag or two filled with non-perishable food items? I understand that peanut butter and breakfast cereals are big demand items.

Your response to the request about helping with Hospitality House was pretty amazing. Because of that we’re looking into even more opportunities to serve the homeless in our community. If you would like to help, please contact and let her know your desire to be involved.

On Sunday we’ll continue our series on the Bible as we learn some key principles of Bible study.

Extending compassion with you,

Pastor Ron

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