Thursday, December 31, 2009

This Week at Twin Cities - December 31, 2009

Hey Everybody,

2009 is almost a done deal.  It seems like just yesterday we were worried about the Y2K bug.  Can you remember the big attention given to what turned out to have such little impact in our lives – except for the hype?  I think that’s a good example of our propensity to sensationalize the events around us which causes us to worry and try to control the outcome of the stuff we really can’t control.  We try to exert our power or bring the energy of others to bear in order to get things to turn out our way. 

So I am taking time to reflect back over 2009 and ask myself, “How did I do at trusting God with the details of my life?”  I think that, for me, it’s a better question than, “How did I do at reaching all the goals I set for my life as I began 2009?” 

Therefore, I am beginning 2010 asking God a different question.  Instead of asking, “What do you want me to do for You this next year?” I am asking, “What do you NOT want me to do this next year so that I have more time for You?”  

Can I trust Him and do less so that He can do more?

That is a great question.   I hope you will join me in a walk of faith through this next year with this question guiding me.  I can’t tell you where we’ll end up, but I can tell you that we’ll be better for it.  Oh, we may not like the discomfort and growth we go through, but I believe we will truly enjoy what God does IN us and THROUGH us as we learn to walk in surrender to Him. 

I look forward to our new series starting January 3 called, “Create Space: Making Room for God.”  This could be our best year yet as we live God-reliant lives as His ambassadors here in Western Nevada County.

Pastor Ron

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