Thursday, August 29, 2013

This Week @ Twin Cities Church - Deep and Wide

Hey Friends and Family of TCC,

As I wrapped up my summer out of the office, I devoured a book called Deep and Wide by Pastor Andy Stanley who has seen his church grow from its start in 1995 to over 30,000 people today – a true God-thing.

His premise is that the church has the responsibility to do two things in this world. First, to be all about Wide – making sure the unchurched people of our world have someone who is strategically thinking about how to connect them to Jesus Christ. This included being a church that just doesn’t talk about reaching people, but actually has a strategy on how to do it!

That’s one of the unique markers of Twin Cities Church. We care for the unchurched so much that we are willing to put aside some of our own preferences and needs in order to seek and save the lost.

The other section of the book discusses how to help those who know Jesus to grow Deep in their relationship with Him. Not deeper in creating a religious subculture, but how to grow deeper as we follow Jesus and keep His commands. It’s all about being an apprentice of Jesus and doing the things Jesus did.

I’m so glad to say that, even though we’re not perfect, that is who we are and who we are becoming.

Our mission is to lead as many people as possible – WIDE – into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ – DEEP.

As I get back in the saddle, I am excited about our future because with that as our mission, we’re never finished because there will always be people who need to know Jesus Christ, and we can all take steps to grow in our Christ-likeness.

Sunday we begin a new series called, Work: More Than Making A Living. No matter your stage of life or current work situation, this series will be for you. It will also be extremely relevant for your friends, family and co-workers so please invite them.

Can't wait to see you Sunday,

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