Hey Everyone,
You blow me away! Thank you for your passion toward those in your world who don’t yet know Jesus. The response on Sunday really did take me by surprise. On a day when I was so weak, God supernaturally strengthened the message. At the end of the day, I asked you to write down the name of the one person you are praying for an opportunity to share Jesus with this year. Well, I could never have imagined how many of you would immediately write down not just one name but several names.
Folks, let’s pray that God will use us in ways that will surprise us and remind us that it’s He who is in charge this year as we look for ways to tell others about the Jesus who loves us. If you missed Sunday, I want to ask you to watch it online and then let Jesus speak to you about His heart for the lost – those God loves most.
Sometimes it’s helpful to get extra motivation in order to know how much our world needs us to radiate the love of Jesus. So, I want to let you know about two opportunities in the coming week that may stir your heart for people.
First, William Jessup University in Rocklin, one of our ministry partners, is hosting the 2013 Global Sex Trafficking Summit on February 22 and 23. As I shared on Sunday, the Sacramento region is a hub for the sex trafficking industry. This would be a good day to find out what we can do to be part of liberating the captives. You can find out more at jessup.edu.
Second, Biola University is hosting their Apologetics Conference at Bayside Church in Granite Bay on February 22 and 23. Apologetics can help us become firm and secure in the basic truths of Christianity so that we can share our faith with more confidence and intelligence. You can find out more at baysideonline.com/apologetics.
Seeking Jesus with you,
Pastor Ron
Reminder - Sunday is our Monthly Food Drive and our Quarterly Benevolence Offering!
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