Thursday, June 2, 2011

This Week at Twin Cities - A Look at Summer

Hey everybody, You are an amazing group of people that I grow to love more and more each day I get to serve with you. Summer is a great time to take new steps in going deeper with God and each other. I hope you will look over this listing of summer events and design your schedule in a way that allows you to experience all we’re doing to help you grow and connect with others.

Here’s a list of opportunities for you to connect, grow, serve and reach this summer:

June 12: Kid’s and Student’s Promotion Week.
Kids and students of all ages move up to their next grade level class.
June 19: Father’s Day Baptisms.
Dads, take the lead in stepping out to “Go Public for Jesus.” Kids, honor your dad by following his example.
June 20-24: Kids’ Day Camp.
You can bring your kids, invite the neighbor’s kids and even serve as our kids take a trip to the Big Apple – right here @ TCC!
June 16-18: Epic Weekend at Bullard’s Bar Lake.
College age young adults get together for a weekend of fun and awesomeness.
June 17: 55+ Active Adults.
Evening in Kenya. Great food and fun.
July 3:
New Sunday Morning Series. The Jesus Stories – Capturing the Hearts of Ordinary People.
July 3-8: Senior High Camp, Hume Lake San Diego Style.
 Hume Lake on steroids.
July 17-22: Junior High Camp, Camp Sugar Pine.
Camp is a great place to take next steps with God.
Beginning June 29: Beach Days. Family fun for all ages at LWW.
August 28:
All Church End of Summer Picnic and Baptisms at LWW.

Looking forward to an awesome summer with you,

Pastor Ron

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