Thursday, April 14, 2011

This Week at Twin Cities - April 14, 2011

Food Drive This Week!  Click here for details...

Hey Everybody, Sunday is the key message in our “Relationslips” series. I am going to talk about how to know you’ve been forgiven by God. This is key to us being able to forgive others and to do the work required to experience peace in relationships. I can’t be more emphatic than that.

As part of our service on Sunday and in preparation for Easter, we’re going to observe Communion. I hope you’ll be there to experience the power of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Knowing forgiveness fully will elevate our experience with God and others.

Each Spring we get to connect together and reach our friends through our Community Golf Tournament. You can sign up online or at the Men’s Ministry table on Sunday. This event helps you meet people from Twin Cities and is a great way to impact our community through the proceeds.

Imagine this: It takes 8,000 Easter eggs to make our Annual Eggstravaganza work. We still need candy for eggs, so please bring a bag or two of wrapped candy to church Sunday so all the kiddos can have a sweet time. Our annual Easter Egg hunt is April 23.

Lastly, Sunday is our day to bring food for Interfaith Food Ministry. Typically, we haul around three SUV loads of food to Interfaith on our food drive Sunday. We received a call this week telling us that the need for cereal and other non-perishable items is huge right now. In fact, the shelves were reported to be empty. Let’s see how much food we can give to those who need it most right now.

Praying the Jabez Challenge with you,

Pastor Ron

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