Thursday, December 2, 2010

This Week at Twin Cities - December 2, 2010

Hey Everybody, We’re celebrating communion on Sunday. Jesus gave us this important memory device because He knew we needed to be reminded of our sin, His cross, and our forgiveness. I hope you are making plans to be in church this week because you just never know how God is going to speak into your life through the supernatural experience of church.

I love church because it’s the most tangible expression of God’s work in our world. The church is the place we connect with His presence, power and purpose in a way that is super-charged. We come together from all kinds of backgrounds with a variety of issues, needs, desires and hopes. We come with a basketful of hurts, hang-ups and habits. While we’re together, God inspires us to trust Him for the outcome of our lives.

I love our church because it’s the most tangible expression of God’s grace in my life. I am so moved by grace. In fact, I’ve always said this, “I will always err on the side of grace every time.” Any time I do otherwise, people get hurt and I regret it in the long run. People tell me, “Ron, you’ve got to give people the rules.” Well, I give them God’s truth, and I trust God to give them the rules. That’s grace.

I have a responsibility to let us all know how the weather impacted our giving in November. We were poised to actually reach that place where expenses equaled giving, and then we had the two snow Sunday’s. Please pray about giving extra in December to help our church reach its financial responsibilities and end 2010 positively.

Remember that our Journey classes were re-scheduled for this Sunday. I hope to see you there.

I am grateful for our church.

Pastor Ron

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