Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Week at Twin Cities - March 11, 2010

Hey Everybody,

Sunday was an amazing experience as we focused on being responsible through the difficulties in life. The music, drama and message all blended together to help inspire us and connect us to God. I don’t imagine many of us had our circumstances change as a result of Sunday, but my prayer is that we did change the way we respond.

Last week, I mentioned that our pastors and Leadership Team have been engaged in conversations about our church as we seek God’s guidance about our future. We are answering the questions, “What kind of people does God want us to become” and “what does He want us to do in this world?” I listed two things: He wants us to be people who are surrendered to Him in worship, and He wants us to give our lives away for those who need Him most.

Let me add more to that conversation. God also wants us to be people who are continually growing and changing as we’re being transformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. We must move forward in our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus and live in His Kingdom. Following Jesus has never been about how to have an “easy” life. It’s always required more than that.

God also wants us to be Followers of Jesus who impact the community. He wants us to concentrate our efforts and live strategically so others can come to know His love as we serve and sacrifice together. That’s one reason why this fall we’ll be changing our Small Groups to Community Groups. We want groups to be on mission in their neighborhoods.

Make sure set your clocks ahead one hour so you can be at church on time Sunday as we 
talk about how to endure in difficult times. 

Pastor Ron

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