Hey Gang,
I grew up in the day before safety guidelines, therefore 4th of July was a great time for me and my brother, Rick. We would save, plan, shop and plan more on how we were going to make the loudest noise, the biggest bang, and the brightest flash. Watch out, all you ants, Oklahoma horny toads, and grasshoppers. We were passionate about one thing – Fireworks.
This passion carried on into my adult years as well. It’s kind of strange, though. Fireworks have lost their appeal. It could be because fireworks of today are so “tame” or that there are so many restrictions that it’s just not worth the effort. I am not sure. But, I do know one thing – I have come to a place where I can take or leave fireworks. I’ve lost my passion for them.
This Sunday, we’re going to talk about a group of people who started their walk with Jesus all fired up and excited and passionate. When they met Him fireworks went off in their hearts. They embraced Him and His extravagant gift of freedom with an exuberance so electric that thousands of people took notice and got to know Jesus themselves.
This passion carried on for years, but over time their faith in Jesus lost some of its fire. They still did the things people who know Jesus do. They went to church, served, shared Jesus with others and even defended the faith, but their faith had lost its spark. This represents many people who claim to know Jesus today. They go through the motions, but somewhere along the way they have lost their passion.
On this 4th of July, I hope you will get all excited about freedom and hotdogs and fireworks. But, more than ever, I pray you will get fired up over Jesus. That’s what Sunday is about. I hope to see you in church, where the real fireworks show will happen this weekend.

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