Thursday, October 2, 2014

Walk Thru The Bible with us this Saturday!

Hey Friends and Family of TCC,

Walk Thru the Bible is Saturday, and it’s not too late to sign up. We’ve been so thrilled at the response from our church family. Even more exciting is how many folks from around Northern California are driving all the way to Grass Valley to get this experience.

Everyone I’ve talked to who has been to a Walk Thru the Bible event agrees that it’s fun, informative and inspirational. It’s not a classroom lecture. It’s really a hands on experience. Even though online registration is closed, you can sign up by coming by our office, or if you decide at the last minute, you can just show up on Saturday at 8:30 and register with cash or check (no credit cards) and enjoy our continental breakfast. Make sure to bring your lunch and have fun getting to know other people from TCC.

Last week as I was working my way through the story of Jehoshaphat, I was inspired by his call to the people of Judah to gather for prayer. That inspiration led to discussions with our staff, and we sensed a strong urge to call our church to gather to pray on October 19, 4-5pm here at our church. I am calling our church to pray for our world, nation, community and church. It doesn’t matter how skilled or eloquent you feel about your praying ability, you will find that it’s not the quality of our prayer ability that matters; what matters is the heart of the one praying. Some of the most meaningful prayers I’ve ever heard were given by people who had little or no experience at praying.

We are calling this prayer experience The Gathering based upon this declaration and promise by Jesus – “Where two or three gather together as My followers, I am there among them.” Come experience the presence of Jesus with your church family as we humble ourselves before our God. If you missed Sunday, you’ll want to watch the message on Pray Like Jehoshaphat When Your Circumstances Are Overwhelming. It was a day of release and hope.

This Sunday we’ll focus on Hannah’s prayer when she felt alone and overlooked. I’m sure many of us can relate to feeling like that. If you know someone who is going through a season of loneliness, please invite them to come.

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