Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Some awesome opportunities to GROW!

Hey Friends and Family of TCC,

We started out our year with a strategic shift in focus: to help people in their desire to GROW to be more like Jesus. Pastor Mark Hadley was given the responsibility to help us learn what would be helpful in assisting people who are part of our church in their journey of spiritual development. I have been encouraged by Mark and the team God has given him, and we’re beginning to see more and more of you engage more fully to take responsibility for your growth.

A key component of the growth strategy includes helping more and more of our people in what we’ve started to call Bible engagement. We’ve always taught the Bible in our services and Community Groups, but we’re seeing the need to help people engage more with God’s word. You’ve probably noticed a clear shift in our Sunday morning teaching style, but there are other ways in which we’re helping our people engage with the Bible.

This summer we offered a special class to help people learn how to study the Bible on their own. That class is still going if you’d like to join in. We’re also launching a study of Romans as part of our LifeSkills schedule this fall. This class begins TODAY! It’s not too late to come, so join us this evening. If you’re already committed tonight make sure to come next week. The class is taught by Jay Lee. Many of you have been in one of his classes before. Jay has a great love for God’s word, and people fill his group each time he teaches.

The next big deal we’re offering in order to help us grow is Walk Thru the Bible. As word gets out, more and more people are signing up for this informative and inspirational event. We even have people coming from the Sacramento area. I wish I could sit down with each of you and talk about how Walk Thru the Bible will benefit your spiritual journey. I can’t, but I want to ask you to please make this a priority and come. You won’t regret it. Sign up online or at the Groups table on Sunday.

Men, we still have ten spaces available for our Men’s Retreat this weekend. Call John Fairchild at our office to get more information. We’d love to have you join us at beautiful Lake Tahoe!

This Sunday at TCC we’re going to focus on Jonah’s prayer when he was running from God. You won’t want to miss it. Go ahead and invite your friends to come hear this true slice of life story.

Love talking about spiritual growth with you,

Serve Opportunity – Join Anew Day, our Community Partner, on September 20 for R.A.K.E. and serve our community. At the same time you will bring awareness to Anew Day’s vision to bring low-cost, faith-based counseling to our community.

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