Thursday, September 4, 2014

Choices, Rituals and Getting What I Put In

Hey Friends and Family of TCC,

Last week I wrote a short blurb about corporate worship and how we all need it in our walk with Jesus. I mentioned that it is vital to our growth as a follower of Jesus. If that is true, then why do so many people choose to skip church or attend irregularly? That is a good question, and I have some thoughts.

One reason we choose to miss out on corporate worship is that we’re confused about priorities and values. In our culture today, choice is the primary value for many people. And therefore, the freedom to choose from a buffet of options is the highest priority. Corporate worship has become one of the many options for many people. Instead of it being a priority, it’s just another activity from which to choose.

Another reason is that some people just don’t get anything from their corporate worship experience. Now, I agree that there are seasons when it takes a lot of effort to “get” something from church; I also believe that I get what I put into it. I remember so well an experience 25 years ago, where I was being critical about the worship in my church. I had one of those moments when God spoke to me and said, “If you’re not getting anything today, it’s your deal. In fact, anytime or anywhere I am lifted up and you don’t get anything, it’s because you choose not to.” Ouch! Since that day, there have only been a couple of times when I felt the service didn’t move me, and each time, it was because I was either too critical or not engaged enough.

The last reason people may choose to miss out on the corporate worship experience is that it has become a ritual to be observed instead of a relationship to be expressed. Corporate worship at its core is about God’s people coming to Him to express love to Him. When I do that, my eyes are moved from my stuff, difficulties, problems, even preferences and placed on Him. I get to be part of an experience where my God, my Jesus, is lifted up. As He is lifted up, I am drawn to Him.

I invite you to join us on Sunday as we are led to express our worship to God. If you missed last week, please watch the service and hear my story of how God spoke to me and how a specific song we sang was such a lift to my soul. It’s at the very beginning of the service. This Sunday we’ll learn to Pray Like Jacob when we are desperate for God’s blessing.

Looking forward to engaging and being led to make much of God with you in corporate worship,

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