Hey Everyone! Easter is the most important date in history. It’s not a holiday. It’s not about eggs and bunnies. It's not about religion. In fact, Easter is about one thing and one thing only – Jesus came back to life. Jesus was resurrected from the dead. All other religions, philosophies, traditions and spiritual practices are based upon the teachings or actions of a leader or group of leaders. Christianity stands ALONE because it’s based upon a person who was raised from the dead. Please be praying for those people you are inviting or plan to invite that they will come and hear how believing in a risen Jesus can transform them, give them freedom and inspire confidence in a life full of uncertainties and discouragement.
We’re also doing something very tangible as we help our neighbors this Easter weekend. After our last food drive, the volunteers who delivered the food items you brought came back and mentioned to us that the shelves at Interfaith Food Ministry are alarmingly low. They have even reduced their delivery schedule because the need is greater than they can currently fill. We’re going to help by doing an Easter Food Drive.
We will have bins available at all our entrances this weekend. I want to ask you to bring a can, a box or a bag of non-perishable food with you as you come to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Will you help us make a huge difference in the daily struggle some have just to feed their families? Let’s help encourage the people at Interfaith with a huge outpouring of generosity.
Make sure to pray for all the servants who will lead us this weekend. Also, please look for ways you can help someone feel welcome or included. Look around for those who seem to be hesitant or new and offer a smile. You might even ask if they need help finding their way.
Coming awake with you for Easter,
Pastor Ron
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